Whether you own a business that handles a large amount of cash or you're a private individual who prefers to keep liquid assets on hand, keeping a precise account of your finances is absolutely essential for peace of mind. If discrepancies pop up and you don't have reliable records or a verified count, you may be entirely unable to recover your losses.
Unfortunately, many people continue to rely on antiquated methods of oversight that don't offer the accuracy or convenience of modern tools. This can leave you scrambling to re-bundle miscounted stacks of cash, re-wrap incomplete rolls of coins and track down the error responsible for the shortfall.
Below, you'll find a guide to some of the advantages of using a currency counter in your home or business. A modern technological solution is typically the right way to handle persistent problems, and very few of those problems are more serious than the potential for a financial shortfall.
Counterfeit Detection
Being an unwitting recipient of counterfeit currency can have a wide range of negative outcomes. Not only is it unlikely that you'll be able to recover your financial losses, but you also might even face possible criminal charges if you attempt to pass the bills yourself. Even accidental dispersal of counterfeit currency might have serious consequences.
Manually checking every bill with a specialized pen or light can take up a great deal of time. But a currency counter can allow you to eliminate that inefficiency while still guaranteeing that you remain protected.
As your counter runs through the bills you feed into it, it's also subjecting each individual bill to a validity check. If your counter detects a counterfeit bill, you'll be immediately notified, and the bill can be removed. This can help you identify the person who supplied the bill and will prevent you from passing the bill further.
Accurate Counts
As mentioned above, the stress of shortfalls can weigh heavily on both business owners and individuals. If you don't notice the problem until you're at the bank, you may find yourself reaching into empty pockets and trying to scrape together a solution. Otherwise, you might have to return home or to work, throwing off your whole day and leaving you frustrated as you try to figure out what happened.
Your counting machine will guarantee accuracy and make sure that you never leave with a wrongly arranged stack of currency. The counts on your machine will also be logged, and you can compare those counts to your business's receipts to see if cash may have disappeared between being received and being counted.
This can help keep a lid on any potential fraud or theft and can create a strong deterrent effect against any malfeasance taking place.
Currency Differentiation
If you frequently find yourself handling currency from different countries, it can be difficult to keep track of the changing denominations. It might also be a challenge to organize bills of different sizes and materials, and automating that process can remove a great deal of stress.
Modern currency counting machines can separate out money of different origins, guaranteeing that you're not dealing with any mismatched bills. While this is an important task with paper currency, it's especially crucial with coins.
Different coins from different countries are likely to slip into your change from time to time, and it's important to make sure they're filtered out.
South Texas Business Systems Inc. has a wide variety of products that can guarantee you can always meet your money- counting needs. Relying on professional service and modern technology will maximize your economic efficiency and guarantee accurate counts well into the future.